Thankyou for visiting,and please read the below text
to fully understand why i have made this page:

" The Snuggles Project was founded by our president and founder,
Rae French, in 1996 because of her heartfelt need to do something
for the innocent victims who find themselves in animal shelters
without a bit of comfort to call their own.

Picturing them in their hard cold cells made her heart ache to do
something to help. So she got the idea of security blankets for
shelter animals. The security blankets are called "Snuggles."
Each animal would get a Snuggle to cuddle up with to feel warmth
and comfort. Most shelter animals are kept in areas with stainless
steel braces and hard plastic flooring or even bare concrete floors.
The Snuggles would allow them to have a little reprieve from the coldness
of the pen they are kept in. "

" Snuggles not only give physical comfort but psychological comfort as well.
And not only for the animals - the tens of thousands of kind-hearted
people around the world who make them for the animals receive so much
satisfaction from their work as well. "

So if you can Crochet,Quilt,Knit,or Sew,please put these skills to use :)
For more information please click Here for the Snuggles Website.

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